About us

Who we are?

We are a group of people with different nationalities and languages we got to know each through Facebook. We already knew each before we made Andrea's acquaintance and we discovered our love for his music together. With other members of the club we got in touch through our love of Andrea's music.

Andrea Carri is supporting us and he provides us with some information to create and maintain this webpage.

You can also find us at Facebook!

Andrea with some fans after his first concert in Germany

Why did we found the Fanclub?

As admirers of Andreas music we would like to support him to make his music known to an even wider public. We look forward to get to know more of his fans and to stay in touch with them. Founding the fanclub was a way to say "Thanks" to Andrea for his wonderful music. Also together it is easier to organize a concert for Andrea, like we have done in Germany. Other fans organized concerts in Italy and Poland.

What are the advantages for the members of the fanclub?

Fanclub members receive through the newsletter access to exclusive items, such as unpublished songs or different versions of already published songs. We will stand in forefront if there are any news about Andrea Carri. Sometimes he gives exclusive concerts for the fanclub members in a lifestream and of course he also would love to play live for you if there is a way to arrange it.

How can you support Andrea?

    • by sharing links that lead to his videos at Youtube and by clicking the "like" buttons.
    • by sharing links that lead tor elated sites and pages, to his official web site and to his composer fanpage at Facebook ad example. Or by sharing links to our fanclub web site and our fanclub page at Facebook.
    • by subscribing his streaming service channels and listen to his music.
    • by linking from your site or blog to sites that are related to Andrea.
    • by making contact to Andrea if you know someone who could use his music to create promotion videos or something similar.
    • by making contact to Andrea if you see an opportunity for him to get booked for a concert.
    • by asking your favorite radio station to play music from Andrea.

How to become a member?

Our fanclub is not a registered club, the membership is for free and you are not bound to anything. You can subsribe to ""Andrea Carri Newsletter""and so you will become automatically a member of our fanclub. We do not forward your mail adress and you can unregister at any time. 

The newsletter wont be released on a regular base, so you have to check on Andreas Facebook or Instagram pages if you would like to hear regularly from him. There you will get also insight in his private activities such as travelling and rockclimbing.