Matinée at Saarwellingen (Germany) in October 2014

Andrea took many pictures during his German Tour, you can watch them at his Facebook page - there are pictures of the concerts as well.

There is also a video of the concert and another video by Andrea with impressions on his German tour.

This time we have two reports for you.  One report by Joachim Beitsch and another one by Stefanie Fünfrocken.

Report by Joachim Beitsch

Andrea Carri and Francesco Mantovani

The second concert from Andrea Carri took place on Sunday at Saarwellingen. The principal theme was the time, our relationship to the past, how we are living in the present and the future. What is time? Lyrical passages, which made you aware of your own personal time flow and of the transience. Not to mention the rebirth of nature. Of one's one "ego"?

Despite Andrea still is rather young, is his playing already rather perfect and was underlined from the masterfully played synthesizer by Francesco Mantovani. But also the well-rehearsed video sequences made the concert to a real enjoyment for the eyes and ears and we still are dreaming and will do so for some more time.

Report by Stefanie Fünfrocken

After Andrea and Francesco last year played the first time at the "Kulturtreff Altes Rathaus" in Saarwellingen for us, they returned now to play the matinee on Sunday. In advance Andrea did not tell us much about the program for the concert, only that much that they will perform new songs from the album "Chronos", as well as songs from previous albums. Andrea told me that he has a surprise and we wont need a translator during the concert. So I just had to be active before the concert to welcome the guests and at the end of the concert - so during the concert I could dedicate myself completely to the music.

Andrea mentioned also that they have prepared a real show for us. By now we know Andrea already well enough to know that he is a perfectionist, so far as it concerns his artistic work - and yet with this show she surpassed all our expectations! Andrea took us on a journey through the time that included the various periods of his musical career. At the beginning of the concert, he placed a large hourglass on the piano, the sand, which trickled slowly from one glass into the next, made us aware that the time continuously goes ahead ("Time flies"). The whole concert was accompanied by videos, which matching the songs perfectly. Maria De Vivo, who also had the idea for the wonderful video to "Le parole che non ti ho detto mai" and also directed its production, was responsible for starting the videos. Between one and the other video we saw a running clock, that underlined the fact that the time does not stop.

Some times Andrea has left the piano to tell the audience something about the following songs. He was speaking English and the role of the translator has taken a friend of the artists, she could not come to Germany, but her spoken German textes were included in the
videos. At this place many thanks to her!

Some videos were specially produced just for this show, like the video for "Vento dell'Ovest" a song from Andrea's first album "Partire". The poem "Ode to the West Wind"has Andrea inspired for this song. Andrea's playing and the video expressed the mood of the song from perfect! The beautiful video for "La via delle sette torri" with marvellous photos of the homeland of the artists was also created to give the song a "face" until the official video is available.

Like last year, Andrea was accompanied by Francesco on the synthesizer, with his work he has given a very special touch to some songs. But Francesco played also with a lot of feelings a solo improvisation for us. After that the two pianists were playing a piece with four hands and as always I was deeply impressed by their harmonious interaction - even during the extremely fast passages!

As much as I feel fascinated, when I watch at Andrea when he is playing the very slow and delicate passages. In these moments it seems as if he, hidden under his hat, is merging with the piano and if he reveals his most intimate thoughts to it, whereas he forgets about the audience around him. As soon as he gets up, he takes off his hat and is fully facing the audience... until he puts the hat again on and resumes his playing. Alltogether it was a very successful show and the received a chorus of praises and lots of applause from the audience!

Francesco Mantovani
Andrea Carri and Francesco Mantovani received some gifts from the Fanclub
Two relaxed pianists after the concert.

We (the fanclub) had a surprise for Andrea and Francesc to thank them for their commitment, alongside their studies and their other obligations, means such a long trip for just a few days a lot of stress for them. With a gift we wanted to express our gratefulness. Flag collector Andrea got a bracelet with a charm in the form of the German flag. Now he can add further charms for any other country in which he will play. His faithful companion Francesco got a money box (with content) in the form of a suitcase, so that he can cover his travel expenses. As the saying goes: "Artists live for the applause, but they can not live from the applause". After the encore, the artists were talking to the guests and gave autographs. Then it was time to say goodbye, they had to return home after the concert.

Many thanks to our pianist Andrea and Francesco, to the "director" Maria and the
"photographer" Elena. We hope very much to welcome you in Germany again next year.

Stefanie Fünfrocken