
The Metamorfosi Project

Cover by ColoRain

During a day in autumn 2012 worked Andrea out his plan to develop the Metamorphosis theme. He felt fascinated by the theme because it is in close contact with the constant and eternal becoming. He realized this project by entering completely different ways like he has done with his former projects (Partire and Stanze segrete), so he has applied for fundraising through the web at MusicRaiser With this campaign he wanted to create a new album of piano music, inspired by the theme of metamorphosis, following great pianist as Kevin Kern, Yiruma, Ludovico Einaudi, Fabrizio Paterlini and Francesco Nigri.

He reached his target and used the budget to complete the recording (made by the same sound engineer who has already done his previous albums, the mixing and the electronics effects, realized by Roberto Porpora, the mastering, the graphics, the printing, the promotions and the physical and digital distribution.

Themes treated are changes, love, hope (expecially hope for oppressed people, like the sahrawi one) and freedom. Andrea suggests to listen to the music on the headphones, in order to better appreciate all the new proven meanings.

The album provides important collaborations with photographers from all over the world, who gives images to my sounds, creating videoclip (one for each song) which will be published on youtube and here in an interesting union of arts. The first video was published on 29th April and week by week will the other videos follow! von Kunst zu sehen sein.


Click on the titles to open the videos and to learn more about them. 


"Strade" with pictures by Roberto Gallico images & words

Blog by Andrea

When I started to concentrate of the development of "Metamorfosi", I wanted to astonish my audience right from the beginning by presenting a song that meant a sonorous turn regarding to my previous album "Stanze Segrete". Particularly I wanted to use from the beginning the light electronical effects, which accompany my Piano music through the entire album, they were realized by Roberto Porpora. In this song, it is a simple melody, longing and gentle, characterized by a rather resonating sound. As a prelude of "Metamorfosi" I wanted to show the audience the great amount of roads that are in front of us, the choice is entirely up to us and presents the possibility of reversal, positive or negative. In some ways we are in the midst of our difficulties and decisions the creators of our future. I wrote these small, delicates notes when I received my first degree, a bit to tell you all something about the end of a way, a bit to inaugurate the change, that marked me and lead me to something completely new, know and unknown, to confront the umpteenth diversion. In the meantime, I decided to take another step and started a photo project, each song from the new album should be presented by a different photographer, who was meant to interpret my music with his own sensibility and to give his images to my melody. For "Strade" my choice was Roberto Gallico, a friend who follows me since the days of "Partire" and I always appreciated his skills as an amateur photographer because of his exceptional sensitivity and originality, he is capable to see details that go unnoticed by an ordinary observer. Roberto is a city photographer, a stark contrast to the vision that I have as a man from the countryside, he embodies a totally different world: I do not deny that this fact made me even more curious! The result of this mix is the video of "Strade", which you can see here. If you like it, you are invited to share...... and to make your compliments fo Roberto. :-)

Canzone della speranza Sahrawi

"Canzone della speranza sahrawi" with pictures by Lorella Franzoni.

Quote by Andrea

"After a humaitarian travel of one of my relatives I have decided to tackle the theme of the Sahrawi people. The pictures are the visible result of this travel. The Sahrawi people, like all oppressed people, are living in an uncertain future, the only great certanity that they have it the hope and they stick on it every day. This song is meant to be a song of hope for who, despite of all, continues to smile and to believe in a better tomorrow."

Giochi di luce

"Giochi di luce"with pictures by Giochi di luce

Blog by Andrea

The third song of my CD "Metamorfosi" has a simple and effective melody, it's a catchy piece that has immediately received positive feedback.

I have composed it in autumn, I am convinced that the best ideas are born in this time of year (a conviction that my pianist friend Fabrizio Paterlini shares), at once I decided to preserve the spontaneity, under the sign of an almost extreme minimalism, without unnecessary frills, emphasizing the essence. The only small fireworks is characterized by some effects, realized by Roberto Porpora, in the form of crackling sound of vinyl records and Soundscapes. These sounds are those that characterize the whole CD and have led to some discussions, a large number of the audience loves them and find that they add value to the CD - others feel that they are disturbing.

The concept of the song is the search for light, allegory of truth, of freedom and completely to be yourself. This light is difficult to grasp, it appears and disappears, it appears in changing colors and plays with its persecutor. It's up to the individual, to look continuously for it, without resting ever on established and solid dogmas, to stay in a constant renewing development.

The album "Metamorfosi" was part of an interesting photography project in which every song was assigned to another photographer, who has interpreted the song with its images. In the case of "Giochi di luce" I have decided to play a home game and I chosed the photographic project with the same name that I carry out with Maria De Vivo. Our goal is to visit as many places as possible, whether far away or behind the house, in the name of the survey, the thirst to get to know different people and places, perhaps to learn more about ourselves: all these trips are immortalized by images regularly published on Facebook or Instagram.


"Frammenti" with pictures by Vito Giacopini

Quote by Andrea

"For this song I choosed a dear friend, photographer and artist. I never had any doubt that Vito Giacopini will do a great job... but since we met to develop the video, I became even more surprised by the result. With his precious and delicate pictures, that have a unique sensitivity, Vito reproduced very well what I wanted to express with my music. Unforgettable are the moments of discussions about art, photography and music... a great work from an extraordinary personality."


"Metamorfosi"with pictures by Sara Zangari and Alberto Bertolani

Quote by Andrea

"To represent the theme Metamorfosi with pictures is certainly quite a challenge! I would say that Alberto Bertolani and Sara Zangari have done a brilliant work with their pictures full of atmosphere."

Riflessi d'autunno

"Riflessi d'autunno" with pictures by Viviana Vitale

Quote by Andrea

"I followed Viviana Vitale and her beautiful pictures already some time and so I had immediately to think of her when I started to develop the "Metamorfosi" project. When I looked over the songs, that I gradually composed, I considered that it fits very well with her sensitivity and her splendid shots."

Sunshine after rain

"Sunshine after rain" with pictures by Stefanie Fünfrocken

Quote by Andrea

"While I was developing this project, Stefanie Fuenfrocken presented me her wonderful nature photos with a theme that since ever has been an integral part of my philosophy... the sun after rain, the hope of a better future, the tenacity to resist the inconveniences. In a short time I wrote this song to accompany her images... Sunshine after rain!"

Cuori nel vento

"Cuori nel vento" with pictures by Annette Schrab Clark

Quote by Andrea

"Many, many months passed since the day where Annette Clark asked my permission to use my songs as soundtrack... since then she realized many video with my songs and she participated at the Metamorfosi project with providing her pictures to this lovesong."

Moments of life

"Moments of life" with time lapses by Controluce Fotografi

Quote by Andrea

"I love since ever the TimeLapses", thinking that they are the very best tool to catch the time that flies, so the CD could not miss a song, that presents the moments of our life within the metamorphosis of everyday. Thanks to Controluce Fotografi for providing me this magic video."


"Fluire" with pictures by Oliver Stonestreet

Quote by Andrea

"I composed this song by the inspiration from the pictures of the wild scottish waves by Olliver Stonestreet, linked to the flow of the daily life. We are like waves in a storm, that are breaking and overlapping and seeking safe harbors."


"Memoria" with pictures by Federica Troisi.

Quote by Andrea

"In the past I have already collaborated with Federica Troisi "Fotografie" on the occasion of the "Fotografia Europea" and, knowing her sensibility, I was sure she would have proposed a great theme for the "Metamorfosi" project. The result is this video: a video full of emotion, sad if you want, but that prompts us to remember, because only the remembrance allows us to live a better future!"

Diario di un viaggiatore

"Diario di un viaggiatore" with pictures P3 Photographer.

Quote by Andrea

"One day I discovered at rando the page from P3photographer... It was love at the first sight. Amazing images that tell us from Sicily and from our Italy. Needless to say that I asked him immediately to take part at the Metamorfosi project... the images that he provided are wonerful! Since ever I considered myself a traveler... and this is my diary."

Passeggiata alla ricerca ti me stesso

"Passeggiata alla ricerca di me stesso" with pictures by Francesco Mantovani

Quote by Andrea

"Francesco accompanies me with his atmospheric sounds during my live concerts. But he is not only a good musician, one day I discovered that he is a great photographer as well! I gave him my most autobiographic song... and this is the result!"